(22/10/2011) సకల జనుల సమ్మెకు మద్దతుగ తెలంగాణా అమెరికన్ ఎన్ ఆర్ ఐ లు కూడా కదం తొక్కారు, వాషింగ్టన్ డి సి లో అక్టోబర్ 15 న తెలంగాణా మార్చ్ పేరుతో నిర్వహించిన ఈ కార్యక్రమంలో సుమారు 1000 మంది NRI లు పాల్గొని తెలంగాణా ఏర్పాటుచెయ్యాలని భారత ప్రభుత్వాన్ని కోరారు, ఆ ప్రాంగణమంత జై తెలంగాణా నినాదాలతో మారు మోగింది....

GREAT. Carry it on and muster the support of American President and his intervention in the matter. Jai Telamgaana.
రిప్లయితొలగించండిSamaikhyaandhra supporters are arguing that Telamgaana region and the people were not part of the Freedom struggle as at that time Telamgaana was being ruled by the Nizam and hence Telamgaana was not part of the Indian Union. They argue that the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal has waged a war against the Nizam and won over Telamgaana and the People of Telamgaana were made as Slaves of Seemandhra Politicians. After our Struggle for Demerger of Telamgaana from Andhra Pradesh has gained the Strength the Seemandhra people started showering direct insults on we Telamgaana People.
రిప్లయితొలగించండిWhy not stop such childish prattle and take forward the movement with serious agenda ?
రిప్లయితొలగించండిWhat has American President to do with India's internal situation ,while you take up issues with seriousness do not get deranged and write anything that occurs to you ,that might only damage your cause as you end up as laughing stock . If some dim witted Coastal Andhra fellow had made some disparaging remark , do not get rankled .Try to gain wider acceptance for the movement by making some thoughtful observations , do not make remarks out of some compulsive neurosis